Friday, February 12, 2010

B.S.Abdur Rahman University sucks (atleast it did yesterday)

I understand that a lot more people will be using Google and other search engines to find out about colleges. The first search results that come up are generally the wikipedia and the college's website results, which are never to be believed, because they come up with a lot of false promises and a whole lot of bullshit. The things, that you ought to look out for are blogs, they give the personal opinion and are definitely one of the real eye openers when you're looking for colleges online.

Here's my account about what happened yesterday in college.

A small preview about how things actually work in college,

  1. There never is a rule that is followed
  2. Anyone can do anything and get away with it.
  3. They generally react (knee jerk reaction) whenever something happens, but forget it in a while.

The latest knee jerk reaction was because a girl committed suicide (prolly cos of some love failure) which has led to a bad name among future entrants. So, they've become damn strict and the rules are damn stupid..

  1. Girls and guys should walk into the canteen in seperate ways. (Why?? Btw, if they didn't know, the girl who committed suicide was never seen in canteen.)
  2. No one should sit anywhere in the college, except in classrooms. (Is this a college at all?)
  3. Girls and guys shouldn't talk at all. (Are they trying to do a Jeppiar??)
  4. We aren't allowed to go out of college till 4.10 p.m, even though college finishes at 12:40 p.m (What the hell? You want us to waste all the time??)

We just hope it remains a knee jerk reaction and nothing else..

The reactions by students,

  1. The first reaction that i saw was, there was a lot of shouting and whistling going on in the canteen, against the new rules
  2. Then, there were a huge number of FB statuses and tweets against the college
  3. Boycott Canteen movement ( This was supposedly, the non violent movement against the college rules)
  4. There have been threats of strike although nothing has happened.
The situation remains tense, lets see what happens!


  1. Wow. What's your major? Compassion?

  2. Ya ,i too feel the same....they don't even allow ppl to talk in groups(same gender ones) anywhere on the way to canteen or any are now overrated...they are whistling and whistling for everything...the ultimate disaster...they don't allow students to sit in gallery...that was a place we could show off and be proud in front of our other college friends

  3. hey could any one from this college tell me about the seminar papers selected for crescience

  4. @anonymous, I'd like your name for that!

  5. do you want to finish ur degree???????/

  6. how's the college now ? still the same as this ?



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