Friday, February 19, 2010

Another useful bit of information for all CS players!


go go go !!! :D

Now the major problem people face when it comes to playing counter strike is they dont know how to play it online . I faced this problem when i started and almost all the newbies face it too .

Why online ???

Yes, you do have bots with whom u can play with but then artificial intelligence of the computer players isn”t that good . It provides u with easy,normal hard and expert modes but it will soon get monotonous as the stratergies of computer are preprogrammed .You can experiece real thrill when u play against humans .

How to play online

There are 3 ways i know ,that can be used for playing counter strike online


Non steam




  1. Get urself a original CS(Anthology pack ) which costs around 400-500 bucks .
  2. GO to Steam powered site and click on Get steam now (free download) .
  3. Once u download the client . Install it and then get a free account .
  4. Go to settings and activate ur account by entering ur product key that u got with the CS pack .
  5. Launch the game and hit find servers . Join any game and enjoy .. another way is to use the console section which get by pressing ` ,once the window opens u can type connect followed by the ip address of steam servers . You can find the IP address on Game monitor site.

STeam is the best option to play online as u get very less pings which helps the game to be lag free .

However ,if u are miser enough then i would advice u to try the methods below


It is the simplest one. You need not have an original copy of CS to play .Download it free or borrow from ur freind and you are ready to play online . Hit the Find servers option . You will get a list of servers which can be filtered using the filters option.

99 percent of the servers in the list will be chinese,malasian,korean and japanese .SO if u are from india most of the times u will be kicked out of the servers due to high ping .Or else you wont be able to join because most of those servers are sxe protected . Sxe is a anti-hack tool that prevents players from hacking . So download sxe client and run it before u join the game .

Non steam servers are hard to find . A guy must have created a dedicated non steam server . If you have a stable connection you can try creating non steam server through this process .


Garena is a gaming client that connects thousands of gamers across the world and the best feature is ,it can be used for various games like Age of empires ,Call of Duty , Warcraft (DOTA) etc .It Creates a vitural lan between all the people who are using the client .

  1. Go here and download Garena.exe .
  2. Next,run the exe file and install the client .
  3. Now get yourself a free user name and password on the official garena site .
  4. Using the ID and password login into the client .
  5. GO to settings and in game exe area select the Hl.exe file .
  6. Next go to lobby and select counter strike 1.6 and join ur country room .For indians – go to international -> V.street room
  7. Now from the client start the game .
  8. In the game ,go to console window by pressing ` and type SLIST . You will be able to see a lot of servers with numbers along with it . Join any game by typing – CONNECT followed by the server’s position for ex . for server no 3 type CONNECT 3. OR you can join server using ur LAN section too but i have found that many servers does not get displayed there .

Servers can be laggy while played through this .However u can make it a little better by right clicking host id and then going to Optimize connection->tunnel or anti-spike .If it still lags quit the server and join another and if u are not satisfied still buy original CS and get a steam :D . Better Internet connection would help too .


  1. Download Hamachi from here .
  2. After installing it , create a network using the option below in the hamachi window or else u can join existing netwrok of ur friends .If u have created the netwrok u need to invite people to join ur network.
  3. Now u can join a server by using the command Connect host_IPaddress . Remember that IP address should be the one hamachi shows not ur computer IP address . for ex- connect and if u create the server ask ur netwrok freinds to connect using ur hamachi ip_address .
  4. Now sometimes while trying to connect u get class C errors whihc happens when the first 2 sections of ip address are not same . so for that the host need to do the following steps
  • Go to window and check the box show advanced options .
  • Then right click on the players name and click on advanced.
  • On the Peer VPN alias box enter the first three parts of ur(if u are the host,otherwise host;s address ) Hamachi IP address and add the last part of the player’s IP address such that it is different from other players .

For ex – you are the host , ur IP is and the player who wishes to join has and address then all u need to is set is IP as using VPN alias box .similarly for other players u can change the last part as 2,3,4 etc.

well,thats all i can share with you .I hope it will be helpful to you.

Enjoy playing counter strike online .

Thanks to this person, I've been able to play CS online

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