Saturday, December 05, 2009

My new Nokia 6700

This is just the phone for me, very understated lookswise but has all the power features. Has a beautiful 5MP cam, which works like a charm in daylight but fails to live up to expectations in the dark. Then, there is the amazing music player, and with 3G, which is now available in Chennai (thanks to BSNL, btw, i got a new BSNL 3G USIM too), this is one phone you'd love to get your hands on. Initially, it was a lil difficult to adjust to the msging schemes, but as time flew, so did the messages. It has a small disadv in that it can act like a fingerprint magnet, but you can always wipe it clean.

There appears to be a blue line in pics that are taken in the dark, and I'm still not able to lock on to the satellite for using GPS, apart from that, the phone's a charm! It is one of those very few phones which feels solid, and pleasantly heavy on your palm, cos it's made of a stainless steel casing, which makes it extra durable!!

I love this phone and using it is sucha pleasure... So if you're looking at a phone that costs around 12k with stylish understated looks and with loads of features, this definitely is the phone for you!

*5MP cam
*Excellent audio quality
*Very stylish looks ( not very flashy, but stylish)
*Pleasantly heavy
*3G works like a charm ( getting 3.6Mbps speed on tests with my BSNL USIM, extremely quick)
*Display is super extraordinary!
*The package's price :)

*Fingerprint magnet
*Low quality of pics in dark
*GPS not that easy to set up
*Volume and camera buttons are not that easy to use.

Easily one of the best phones i've used ( I've used a Sony Ericsson W700i & K220i and a Nokia 6288)



Thanks a lot for dropping in! Your comments mean the world to me...
